Community Participation Guidelines

As Queer Campout participant, I agree and adhere to these Community Participation Guidelines in order to help us create a safe and positive community experience for all:

  1. Uphold Queer Campout’s values of inclusivity, consent, and anti-oppression. When I miss the mark on our values, I will listen, acknowledge my mistake, address its impact to the best of my ability, and strive to be accountable to myself and the QCO community.
  2. Take responsibility for the well-being of myself and the Queer Campout community. Be mindful of my words and actions and take responsibility for their impact. QCO is a DIY event where I will take care of my own needs including food, shelter, wellness, etc. If meeting those needs is beyond my capacity for the time I am there I will bring a care aid to meet my needs or understand that QCO may not be the space for me at this time.
  3. Respect communal areas and quiet spaces & hours.
  4. Exercise personal responsibility & accountability with alcohol and other substances – know my limits, and take care of myself. (See the Info Hub for more details.)
  5. Keep Queer Campout a consensual sex-, kink-, and body-positive space by only planning, hosting, or participating in sexual activity and kink activity in secluded spaces where everyone is over age 18 and their prior agreement has been explicitly stated.
  6. Never leave a fire burning unattended, and smoke/vape away from communal areas.
  7. Ensure any young people (under 18) that I bring are cared for by a consenting adult at all times and that, if another adult is providing this supervision, my youth know who that person is in case of any concerns that arise. I will also ensure I can be reached at all times through the phone number I supplied at registration.
  8. Leave pets at home (trained service animals are allowed).
  9. Leave firearms at home (safely-used camping tools like knives are allowed).
  10. Support keeping the campground clean and comfortable. Do my share of cleaning and general care for our campground.
  11. Treat other campers, Forest Service employees, local community members, wildlife, and natural systems with respect.
  12. Fulfill at least one volunteer role before and/or during Queer Campout.
  13. Participate in any way I can to make Queer Campout a space that is as safe, inclusive, restorative, and fun as possible.
Round badge-style graphic with a colorful background in yellow, purple, blue, and pink. The center is a graphic of a camping tent surrounded by trees, with stars and a crescent moon in the sky. Around it is the text, QUEER CAMPOUT NEW MEXICO, EST 2017.