Thank you for joining us!!

A huge, huge thanks to everyone who came together last weekend and created queer joy in the woods! It was our largest campout yet, and we look forward to telling you about our numbers in a future post!

If you’re one of over 100 folks who came out last weekend, you should’ve received an email and a calendar invite. If you didn’t receive it and for everyone else, check out the information below!

Donations: We are still collecting funds for the September Camp!

If you haven’t yet and you can, please contribute to help keep QCO going! We suggest a donation of $10 – $15 per camper. Thank you to those who have already donated!

Please send donations to:

  • Venmo: LeonOsito (last four of phone: 3830)
  • PayPal:

If you donated cash at Campout, let us know in the feedback survey below.

Feedback Survey:

As many of you know, a new group of us depended on the years of work, resources, and knowledge of past planners to make this Campout happen.

Use the link in your email to let us know how it went and what you’d like to see going forward!

Planning Meeting: Sunday, October 1st @ 1pm – 3pm
via Zoom

You should’ve received a Google Calendar invite from us. Please RSVP.
If you didn’t receive the invite and you want to join, let us know!

As promised, we will hold a follow-up planning session for all who wish to attend. We plan to discuss past processes, suggestions & plans from brainstorming sessions, and a plan for moving forward.  

In our next follow-up email & Post:

  • Attendance totals
  • Financial totals 
  • Camp photos

Thanks so much, campers! We’ll be in touch again soon.

With love and appreciation,
The QCO Crew 

Purple graphics on a white background. Simple imagery shows marshmallows roasting over a campfire with sparks or stars surrounding. Large in the middle of the image are the words "happy camper"

Campout updates—we’re less than a week away!

Hey, campers!

We’re under a week away from creating Queer & Trans magic in the woods together!! 


A huge thanks to everyone who registered! Registration is now closed.
This campout is gearing up to the biggest yet with over 170 campers of all ages signed up to join at some point throughout the weekend. 

If you won’t be able to join us, please cancel your registration by completing this form


This is our last planned public update post before the September campout. 

If you’re a camper joining us in Tijeras next week, you should have received an email from us yesterday evening. For the sake of safety, some of the info provided in this email is intended only for registrants, so please:

  1. make sure you got it,
  2. read it through, and
  3. don’t share it with anyone else.

Two final emails will go out to registrants a couple of days before camp: one with final details about what you need to do before leaving for camp and when you arrive, and the second with driving directions to the campground.


If you have any questions for us, please submit them by Tuesday September 5th. On Wednesday night, we’ll log off to pack and prepare ourselves! 

To further prepare for camp, please check out the Information for Campers page and Info Hub/FAQs.

September Campout Overview

Campout is just 41 days away! We’re looking forward to seeing many of you! 

Queer Campout is in Tijeras from September 8-11. We hope you can join us–come for as many days or nights as you want! 

We’re trying out a few new things this year, so please see the info below and review the QCO Values & Community Participation Guidelines so you’re prepared to co-create our time together.

We’re continuing our tiered registration process. Emails are sent out at the start of each registration section and the link is below.

Registration Timeline:

  • August 1: Registration opens for QTBIPOC*, trans fem/women, and disabled** folks
  • August 14: General registration opens—all queers can register!
  • September 1: Registration closes (will close earlier if we reach capacity before this date)
  • Sept 8–11: Campout weekend

*BIPOC: People who are Black, African, Asian, Brown, multi-heritage, Indigenous to the global south, and/or have been racialized as ‘people of color.’

**Disabled: those excluded from aspects society due to lack of accessibility (read: social model of disability) and/or those with physical, cognitive, psychiatric, sensorial, and undiagnosed conditions necessitating accommodation, including those who do and do not self-identify as disabled; identity-first language intentional


Youth are welcome at the September campout! When an adult registers themself and one or more young people for Queer Campout, our Family Coordinator will reach out to touch base and make sure everyone has what they need. 

QCO is a body-positive space, which means that attendees can expect some nudity.  Families should ensure their young people are prepared for and comfortable with this. (Kink and play activities will take place in designated 18+ areas.)

No family-specific activities are currently planned, but we welcome campers of all ages who are interested in coordinating a youth-friendly activity to let us know! 

Furry Friends

Trained service animals who will be working while at camp are welcome, but please leave ESAs and pets at home.


In the spirit of co-creation, everyone who attends Campout should plan to volunteer for at least one shift. Campers can sign up for role(s) before camp or at camp:

  • Before camp → We’re recruiting for roles that require varying levels of commitment. From Helpers to Team Leaders, we are looking for campers to join the following teams and prepare together before camp starts: Camp Greeters, Care Bears, Disability and Access Resource Team (DART), Camp Setup & Teardown Crew, & the Medic Team.

If you’re interested in taking on one or more of these roles, please contact us or let us know when you register. Our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out to you directly.

  • At camp → At check-in, campers can sign up for shifts on crews that don’t require commitment before camp such as Camp Upkeep Crew, Campfire Crew and Answer Keepers. Folks are also encouraged to help out with empty shifts throughout camp if they can.

We make QCO happen together! Learn more about Volunteer roles and what they entail.


Campers have hosted all sorts of fun games and activities at QCO, from kink workshops and play parties to dance parties, talking circles, and topless watermelon eating. If you are interested in hosting an activity, please let us know on the registration form and the Activities & Engagement team will reach out directly to help coordinate.


COVID-19 continues to present a very real and serious risk to many people, including members of our community. Queer Campout is an anti-oppressive space committed to inclusivity and accessibility, which means practicing community care through continuing to take COVID-19 precautions although they were lifted across the country and much of the world. Please plan to take a COVID test before traveling up to Tijeras and make sure to have a mask with you at all times.

Read more about QCO’s COVID-19 Precautions.


QCO was–and is continually–created to offer an opportunity for those with less access to nature/camping to enjoy the outdoors in safe, inclusive community. This means prioritizing accessibility for disabled** campers. In addition to using campsites with ADA-compliant features, the QCO Disability and Accessibility Resource Team (DART) is prepared to collaboratively develop accommodations for those with a range of disabilities and accessibility needs.

Learn more about QCO accessibility and let us know if you have specific questions/needs.

**Disabled: those excluded from aspects society due to lack of accessibility (read: social model of disability) and/or those with physical, cognitive, psychiatric, sensorial, and undiagnosed conditions necessitating accommodation, including those who do and do not self-identify as disabled; identity-first language intentional

RVs & Campers

Space for RVs and campers is extremely limited at the Tijeras campgrounds. We ask that only those who need to use RVs and campers do so and that all others plan to car camp or use a tent. The QCO Disability and Accessibility Resource Team (DART) will reach out to those who note in their registration that they hope to use an RV/camper to make appropriate arrangements.


This year, we will collect donations at camp. We ask that all campers who are able to make a contribution to help cover the costs of the campground rental and supplies needed for the weekend and suggest a sliding scale of $10-25 per camper. 

No one will be turned away for lack of funds. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the weekend regardless of their ability to contribute financially.

We’re so excited to be in the woods with you so soon!

P.S. If you have IG, follow us! And, if you have any questions or feedback, please email the Organizing Team at ♥️